Keith Park's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since October 1999"

the Radio Attic
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Philco 70 (1931)
(wood tube cathedral radio)

Philco 70 (1931)

1931 Philco 70, BC. This is fantastic example of the seven-tube Edward Combs design and a survivor set. The cabinet is in its original finish with original knobs and correct new grille cloth. Ive done a bit of touching up but needed very little, couple scratches on top but otherwise fantastic shape. Chassis has been completely restored as I usually do with re-stuffing of the Bakelite blocks and it works very well. This appeared to be a set that was used quite a bit up until about WW2, had its tubes replaced but nothing else and has been sitting the past 75 years or so with all of its original parts intact when I found it. Chassis is warranted, 18"H x 16"W x 11"D.  $450.00. (0100166)

Philco 70 (1931)

1931 Philco 70, BC. This is fantastic example of the seven-tube Edward Combs design and a survivor set. The cabinet is in its original finish with original knobs and correct new grille cloth. Ive done a bit of touching up but needed very little, couple scratches on top but otherwise fantastic shape. Chassis has been completely restored as I usually do with re-stuffing of the Bakelite blocks and it works very well. This appeared to be a set that was used quite a bit up until about WW2, had its tubes replaced but nothing else and has been sitting the past 75 years or so with all of its original parts intact when I found it. Chassis is warranted, 18"H x 16"W x 11"D.  $450.00. (0100166)
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