Keith Park's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since October 1999"

the Radio Attic
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Zenith 5-S-319 (1936)
(wood tube table radio w/SW)

Zenith 5-S-319 (1936)

NEW!BC+1SW. This is one of the iconic collectable Zenith Racetrack designs featuring a beautiful lighted oval dial with the pushbutton Feature that came out in 39 in a classic Art Deco cabinet that has its original zebrawood photofinish highlight still in place. This is a five-tube set with very good reception on local stations and short wave with a good antenna. Saved from a fate as a parts set, it was almost entirely intact and got special care in restoration so it can live many more years in like new condition. Auxiliary input installed. Fully restored and warranted. 13"W x 9"H x 8"D.  $575.00. (0100194)

Zenith 5-S-319 (1936)

NEW!BC+1SW. This is one of the iconic collectable Zenith Racetrack designs featuring a beautiful lighted oval dial with the pushbutton Feature that came out in 39 in a classic Art Deco cabinet that has its original zebrawood photofinish highlight still in place. This is a five-tube set with very good reception on local stations and short wave with a good antenna. Saved from a fate as a parts set, it was almost entirely intact and got special care in restoration so it can live many more years in like new condition. Auxiliary input installed. Fully restored and warranted. 13"W x 9"H x 8"D.  $575.00. (0100194)
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