Tom Voegtli's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since December 2001"

the Radio Attic
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General Electric H-610 (1939)
(Bakelite tube table radio)

General Electric H-610 (1939)

Spectacular marbling of the Bakelite cabinet & full Bakelite back make this pre-war beauty highly desired! Additionally, this glossy example of Deco lines & curves is without cracks/chips. The original dial scale, pointer & knobs are in great shape. The seven tube AM only chassis plays well & still has most of the bottom label. 10"W x 7"H x 6"D. A collection centerpiece!  $495.00. (0250140)

General Electric H-610 (1939)

Spectacular marbling of the Bakelite cabinet & full Bakelite back make this pre-war beauty highly desired! Additionally, this glossy example of Deco lines & curves is without cracks/chips. The original dial scale, pointer & knobs are in great shape. The seven tube AM only chassis plays well & still has most of the bottom label. 10"W x 7"H x 6"D. A collection centerpiece!  $495.00. (0250140)
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