Mark Toppo's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since January 2002"

the Radio Attic
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Ultra 22 (1934)
(wood tube tombstone radio)

Ultra 22 (1934)

Made in 1934 by Ultra Electric LTD. of London England. The grille cloth has been replaced but otherwise all original. The entire cabinet is Birdseye maple which was cleaned and preserved with a lacquer clear coat. The trim including the knobs were done in aluminum. The lower tray was distorted causing a crack which was repaired. Overall it is in excellent condition. The set has not been serviced and operates at 220V. I was able to test it at 150V. receiving one station with low volume but clear sound. It is heavy! 19"H x 15-1/2"W x 10"D.  $649.00. (0260783)

Ultra 22 (1934)

Made in 1934 by Ultra Electric LTD. of London England. The grille cloth has been replaced but otherwise all original. The entire cabinet is Birdseye maple which was cleaned and preserved with a lacquer clear coat. The trim including the knobs were done in aluminum. The lower tray was distorted causing a crack which was repaired. Overall it is in excellent condition. The set has not been serviced and operates at 220V. I was able to test it at 150V. receiving one station with low volume but clear sound. It is heavy! 19"H x 15-1/2"W x 10"D.  $649.00. (0260783)
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