Jim Wassell's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since April 2003"

the Radio Attic
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Sentinel 286PR
(plastic tube portable radio)

Sentinel 286PR

Sentinel portable radio in a sharp red and black. Lid lifts up to be the antenna. Radio plays fine on AC, not tested with a battery. Strong reception across the AM band. Has been electronically restored. 8"W x 4-1/4"H x 5"D.  $175.00. (0390468)

Sentinel 286PR

Sentinel portable radio in a sharp red and black. Lid lifts up to be the antenna. Radio plays fine on AC, not tested with a battery. Strong reception across the AM band. Has been electronically restored. 8"W x 4-1/4"H x 5"D.  $175.00. (0390468)
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