Derm Whelan's Radio Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since August 2007"

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Viking 52-13A (Hudson's Bay Co.)
(plastic tube table radio)

Viking 52-13A (Hudson's Bay Co.)

This unique battery radio, manufactured by Dominion Electrohome Industries, was also referred to as Electrohome Viking. Viking was one of Hudson's Bay Co. brand names sold exclusively by the firm. This four-tube Standard Broadcast and Short Wave Band, large brown plastic receiver has been carefully restored and operates on a modern battery pack. The unique dual glass provides the short wave band in separate columns both in megacycles and meters. The A supply is 1.5V and the B 90V. The battery easily fits inside the ample cabinet that is in excellent condition. The parts are original and the tubes good. This was an upscale product for the affluent market and with the short wave band was dubbed the Global.  $145.00. (0970012)
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