Bob Atchison's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since March 2008"

the Radio Attic
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Sentinel 111 (1931)
(wood tube cathedral radio)

Sentinel 111 (1931)

Here is a real nice little radio that is a TRF model. It has been fully restored with all new capacitors and resistors. The tubes are all globe type that originally came with it. They are all checked out good and the radio plays loud and clear.  $249.00. (1000293)

Sentinel 111 (1931)

Here is a real nice little radio that is a TRF model. It has been fully restored with all new capacitors and resistors. The tubes are all globe type that originally came with it. They are all checked out good and the radio plays loud and clear.  $249.00. (1000293)
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