Tim Moen's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since March 2012"

the Radio Attic
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Emerson 343(?) (1940)
(Bakelite tube table radio)

Emerson 343(?) (1940)

Here is a great looking Bakelite AM band set that has been electronically restored and sounds terrific. The case has no chips or cracks and is still shiny like new. I am not sure of the exact model but looks like the model 343 but just AM band. 13"W x 8"H x 7"D.  $140.00. (1270264)

Emerson 343(?) (1940)

Here is a great looking Bakelite AM band set that has been electronically restored and sounds terrific. The case has no chips or cracks and is still shiny like new. I am not sure of the exact model but looks like the model 343 but just AM band. 13"W x 8"H x 7"D.  $140.00. (1270264)
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