Palette's Radio Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since June 2012"

the Radio Attic
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Emerson 706 (1952)
(Plaskon tube table radio)

Emerson 706 (1952)

This fully operational 1952 Plaskon model can almost be considered the older brother to the 1955 Emerson wooden model that can be viewed elsewhere on our Radio Attic page. No repair or restoration work has been undertaken on this tube radio since it has been in Palette's possession. Should you also want to purchase the aforementioned wooden "Sunburst" version, and have a bookend set of period Emerson radios of similar style and size, please let us know. We will extend a "buy the pair" price to you!  $240.00. (1300050)

Emerson 706 (1952)

This fully operational 1952 Plaskon model can almost be considered the older brother to the 1955 Emerson wooden model that can be viewed elsewhere on our Radio Attic page. No repair or restoration work has been undertaken on this tube radio since it has been in Palette's possession. Should you also want to purchase the aforementioned wooden "Sunburst" version, and have a bookend set of period Emerson radios of similar style and size, please let us know. We will extend a "buy the pair" price to you!  $240.00. (1300050)
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