Palette's Radio Attic
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Braun PC3SV Turntable (1959-1961)
(plastic phonograph)

Braun PC3SV Turntable (1959-1961)

Braun was founded by Max Braun in 1921 and started making radios and turntables in 1929. By the mid-1950s, the Braun brand was influenced by the German concept of modern industrial design and its combination of functionality and technology. One of its design leaders was Dieter Rams, who was a key figure in the German design renaissance of the late 1950s and 1960s. Dieter, along with Hans Gugelot, designed the famous SK4 record player, aka "Snow White's Coffin." Dieter also designed our shown PC3SV turntable as well as the "D" series (D25-D47) of high-quality 35 mm slide projectors. He and Dietrich Lubs are also credited with the design of a classic range of Braun alarm clocks which began with the AB 20 in 1987. Braun continued producing alarm clocks, of this type, through 2005. Dieter Ram retired in 1995. This turntable is constructed from modern plastic and functions properly. Richard Majestic replaced one P-186 cartridge and one audio cable. He also converted the turntable motor from 50Hz to 60Hz to play 33-1/3 RPM LPs.   $625.00. (1300084)
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