Glenn Anderson's Radio Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since August 2014"

the Radio Attic

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Howard 5G-T TRF (1932)
(wood tube tombstone radio)

Howard 5G-T TRF (1932)

This is a tuned radio frequency radio from 1932. The design uses technology popular before the superheterodyne radio was invented. So, it is definitely a page out of radio history, and unlike other TRF radios shaped like a coffin it uses only one tuning knob to operate. I also installed a small audio input jack on the back. The radio is a true example of radio history.  $250.00. (1410043)

Howard 5G-T TRF (1932)

This is a tuned radio frequency radio from 1932. The design uses technology popular before the superheterodyne radio was invented. So, it is definitely a page out of radio history, and unlike other TRF radios shaped like a coffin it uses only one tuning knob to operate. I also installed a small audio input jack on the back. The radio is a true example of radio history.  $250.00. (1410043)
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