Hawk Retail's Transistor Radio Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since January 2015"

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Westinghouse RS21P08A "Escort"
(plastic transistor shirtpocket radio)

Westinghouse RS21P08A "Escort"

Radio, flashlight and lighter work as they should but watch isn't working presently. No cracks or chips or dents or hairlines. It's very clean and solid. This is the Swiss Army Knife of radios.  $50.00. (1430505)

Westinghouse RS21P08A "Escort"

Radio, flashlight and lighter work as they should but watch isn't working presently. No cracks or chips or dents or hairlines. It's very clean and solid. This is the Swiss Army Knife of radios.  $50.00. (1430505)
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