Jeff Moreland's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since December 2016"

the Radio Attic
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RCA 95X1 (1938)
(wood tube table radio)

RCA 95X1 (1938)

From 1938, this RCA still retains its original finish. The four-tube chassis has had its resistors and tubes checked and all capacitors replaced. Its a TRF circuit, plays local stations well with a 15-foot long wire antenna. The push buttons on top are marked with stations from the Kansas City area in the late 1930s. 10"W x 8"H x 6"D.  $225.00. (1550074)

RCA 95X1 (1938)

From 1938, this RCA still retains its original finish. The four-tube chassis has had its resistors and tubes checked and all capacitors replaced. Its a TRF circuit, plays local stations well with a 15-foot long wire antenna. The push buttons on top are marked with stations from the Kansas City area in the late 1930s. 10"W x 8"H x 6"D.  $225.00. (1550074)
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