Jeff Moreland's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since December 2016"

the Radio Attic
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General Electric Unknown Model
(Bakelite tube table radio w/SW)

General Electric Unknown Model

Not quite sure exactly what this model is. It may be a model L44J5 and the chassis design is similar to a LCP596. The antenna board, patent decal and dial pointer sure look like Continental/Admiral to me. At any rate, its five-tube AM and shortwave chassis has been restored by replacing wax and electrolytic capacitors, checking tubes and resistors, and peaking alignment. The Bakelite cabinet was originally painted white but after repairing a crack it received an automotive quality urethane repaint. Internal antenna for local reception. 12"W x 7"H x 7"D.  $175.00. (1550163)

General Electric Unknown Model

Not quite sure exactly what this model is. It may be a model L44J5 and the chassis design is similar to a LCP596. The antenna board, patent decal and dial pointer sure look like Continental/Admiral to me. At any rate, its five-tube AM and shortwave chassis has been restored by replacing wax and electrolytic capacitors, checking tubes and resistors, and peaking alignment. The Bakelite cabinet was originally painted white but after repairing a crack it received an automotive quality urethane repaint. Internal antenna for local reception. 12"W x 7"H x 7"D.  $175.00. (1550163)
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