Joe Millward's Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since August 2017"

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Zenith 7G605 Trans-Oceanic "Bomber" (1942)
(cloth/leather tube portable radio w/SW)

Zenith 7G605 Trans-Oceanic "Bomber" (1942)

Trans-Oceanic radios were conceived in 1941 by Commander Eugene F. McDonald, president of Zenith. He wanted a portable radio he could use on his boat for entertainment, news, weather, marine shortwave as well as international stations. The Trans-Oceanic was a hit, and Zenith produced them from 1941 to 1981. Zenith began the Clipper Trans-Oceanic production in October 1941 with Sailboat graphics. In January of 1942 after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Zenith changed the grille cloth to the Bomber graphics. By April of 1942 the US Government halted all domestic radio production, and all manufacturing was for the war effort. The 7G605 is a seven-tube, six-band (SB,SWx5) radio. We replaced all of the capacitors with modern equivalents. The resistors and tubes were checked and replaced where necessary. Gary noted the snakeskin cabinet was in good condition, and it cleaned up nicely. The handle is in good condition. The knobs are original and the two antennas are present and function well. The Trans-Oceanics were well made and are very sensitive across all bands. The "Bomber" is considered to be the "Holy Grail" of Trans-Oceanic radios, this particular "Bomber" is a gem! 17"W x 10"H x 7"D.  $1,195.00. (1600529)

Zenith 7G605 Trans-Oceanic "Bomber" (1942)

Trans-Oceanic radios were conceived in 1941 by Commander Eugene F. McDonald, president of Zenith. He wanted a portable radio he could use on his boat for entertainment, news, weather, marine shortwave as well as international stations. The Trans-Oceanic was a hit, and Zenith produced them from 1941 to 1981. Zenith began the Clipper Trans-Oceanic production in October 1941 with Sailboat graphics. In January of 1942 after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Zenith changed the grille cloth to the Bomber graphics. By April of 1942 the US Government halted all domestic radio production, and all manufacturing was for the war effort. The 7G605 is a seven-tube, six-band (SB,SWx5) radio. We replaced all of the capacitors with modern equivalents. The resistors and tubes were checked and replaced where necessary. Gary noted the snakeskin cabinet was in good condition, and it cleaned up nicely. The handle is in good condition. The knobs are original and the two antennas are present and function well. The Trans-Oceanics were well made and are very sensitive across all bands. The "Bomber" is considered to be the "Holy Grail" of Trans-Oceanic radios, this particular "Bomber" is a gem! 17"W x 10"H x 7"D.  $1,195.00. (1600529)
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