Charlie Livingston Jr.'s Radio Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since May 2017"

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Howard 275 (1937)
(wood tube tombstone radio w/SW)

Howard 275 (1937)

Howard Radio Co., Chicago, IL only made a limited number of collectible radios and this is one of them. Howard also manufactured radios for Capehart, Sears and Hallicrafters, some of the high end radios of the day. This tombstone with the green tuning in the dial scale looks great at night and for a six-tube set, it really has a great sound and is very sensitive, picking up many stations. It has AM and two SW bands. The chassis had some surface rust and was stripped and repainted with Rustoleum hammered gold. The controls were cleaned and lubricated and the tuning capacitor was cleaned and lubed and the mounting grommets were replaced. All tubes were tested on my Hickok 600A and weak or defective tubes were replaced. All electrolytic and wax paper capacitors were replaced and any resistors out of tolerance were replaced. The cabinet was tight and the finish in excellent condition, so I just shot it with a few coats of nitrocellulose lacquer. 15-1/2"H x 13-1/4"W x 9"D.  $375.00. (1610011)

Howard 275 (1937)

Howard Radio Co., Chicago, IL only made a limited number of collectible radios and this is one of them. Howard also manufactured radios for Capehart, Sears and Hallicrafters, some of the high end radios of the day. This tombstone with the green tuning in the dial scale looks great at night and for a six-tube set, it really has a great sound and is very sensitive, picking up many stations. It has AM and two SW bands. The chassis had some surface rust and was stripped and repainted with Rustoleum hammered gold. The controls were cleaned and lubricated and the tuning capacitor was cleaned and lubed and the mounting grommets were replaced. All tubes were tested on my Hickok 600A and weak or defective tubes were replaced. All electrolytic and wax paper capacitors were replaced and any resistors out of tolerance were replaced. The cabinet was tight and the finish in excellent condition, so I just shot it with a few coats of nitrocellulose lacquer. 15-1/2"H x 13-1/4"W x 9"D.  $375.00. (1610011)
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