Scott Thomas' Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since June 2023"

the Radio Attic

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Hoffman A200 (1946)
(plastic tube table radio)

Hoffman A200 (1946)

This attractive unit is a All American Five-tube superheterodyne radio. Hoffman Radio was created by Les Hoffman, who was sent to collect a debt at the Mission Bell Radio factory in Los Angeles. He arrived to find the company closed and the doors locked! He bought the company in 1941 and created radio and Television receivers until 1971. The radio cabinet has no cracks or chips. This radio has its original back. I have recapped the radio checked resistors for tolerance lubricated the volume control and tuner assembly. The radio receives well across the AM band and plays very nicely! 11-1/2"W x 6-1/2"H x 6"D.  $139.00. (1830043)

Hoffman A200 (1946)

This attractive unit is a All American Five-tube superheterodyne radio. Hoffman Radio was created by Les Hoffman, who was sent to collect a debt at the Mission Bell Radio factory in Los Angeles. He arrived to find the company closed and the doors locked! He bought the company in 1941 and created radio and Television receivers until 1971. The radio cabinet has no cracks or chips. This radio has its original back. I have recapped the radio checked resistors for tolerance lubricated the volume control and tuner assembly. The radio receives well across the AM band and plays very nicely! 11-1/2"W x 6-1/2"H x 6"D.  $139.00. (1830043)
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