Scott Thomas' Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since June 2023"

the Radio Attic

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Zenith 5-R-226 "Childs Radio" (1937)
(wood tube table radio)

Zenith 5-R-226 "Childs Radio" (1937)

This is a rare Zenith Child's Radio. The ad for this radio stated it was "just like Dad's." This radio has a rebuilt chassis which has been fused, and has been refinished. It is a remarkable radio to have survived all this time and one any Zenith collector would want in their collection! The radio has an RCA input. The radio plays very well across the AM band. 16"H x 9"W x 9-3/4"D.  $599.00. (1830044)

Zenith 5-R-226 "Childs Radio" (1937)

This is a rare Zenith Child's Radio. The ad for this radio stated it was "just like Dad's." This radio has a rebuilt chassis which has been fused, and has been refinished. It is a remarkable radio to have survived all this time and one any Zenith collector would want in their collection! The radio has an RCA input. The radio plays very well across the AM band. 16"H x 9"W x 9-3/4"D.  $599.00. (1830044)
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