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Airline radios sold!

Airline 62-325 (1939)
(plastic tube table radio)

Airline 62-325 (1939)


Art Deco meets Machine Age in this great design. The exaggerated grille louvers make for great display at all angles. A clean radio and a great player, it picks up many stations across the dial. The unique design in the electronics allows you to receive long distance reception just by turning the volume control up - the single IF set has a grid leak detector and a front end gain. There are minor repairs to the case that have completely disappeared with the nice repainting. Notice the crisp & complete original back. Inside, all capacitors have been replaced and several electrical problems have been corrected. All tubes tested and replaced, a new dial plastic cover was installed and the radio's been professionally aligned, cleaned and lubricated. Price includes safe shipping.

Airline 62-325 (1939)


Art Deco meets Machine Age in this great design. The exaggerated grille louvers make for great display at all angles. A clean radio and a great player, it picks up many stations across the dial. The unique design in the electronics allows you to receive long distance reception just by turning the volume control up - the single IF set has a grid leak detector and a front end gain. There are minor repairs to the case that have completely disappeared with the nice repainting. Notice the crisp & complete original back. Inside, all capacitors have been replaced and several electrical problems have been corrected. All tubes tested and replaced, a new dial plastic cover was installed and the radio's been professionally aligned, cleaned and lubricated. Price includes safe shipping.

Reported sold on December 28, 2011
Listed price on date of sale - $165.00
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