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Corona radios sold!
To see more of this seller's radios, visit Forrest Anderson's Radio Attic.

Corona 210 (Fidelatone) (1937?)
(wood tube table radio w/SW)

Corona 210 (Fidelatone) (1937?)


Nice wood cabinet; original knobs and grille cloth. Missing glass dial cover has small crack along top front of cabinet. BC and two short wave bands: 1.7mc to 5.5mc and 5.5mc to 18mc. Very good reception all bands. Has tone control and very good tuning eye tube. Replaced all wax capacitors and power supply filters; also power transformer and audio output transformer. Aligned chassis.

Corona 210 (Fidelatone) (1937?)


Nice wood cabinet; original knobs and grille cloth. Missing glass dial cover has small crack along top front of cabinet. BC and two short wave bands: 1.7mc to 5.5mc and 5.5mc to 18mc. Very good reception all bands. Has tone control and very good tuning eye tube. Replaced all wax capacitors and power supply filters; also power transformer and audio output transformer. Aligned chassis.

Reported sold by Forrest Anderson on April 8, 2023
Listed price on date of sale - $169.00
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