Mike Boessen's Radio Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since August 2018"

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Stewart-Warner 9003B (1947?)
(wood tube table radio w/SW)

Stewart-Warner 9003B (1947?)

For knock down, drag out, eye popping curb appeal, it will be hard to beat this very rare Stewart Warner 9003B table radio. The large cabinet is extremely well made and complex in its design. The chassis is well designed and is a good performer on broadcast and both short wave bands. The internal antenna works quite well for local stations. The dial glass was an expensive reproduction. The original speaker was missing, and I had to replace it with a permanent magnet speaker, which has been reconed and is perfect. The sound is very good. New grille cloth pretty similar to the original. There are some tiny cracks in the left and right edges of the top, and a few other blemishes and veneer repairs in the otherwise very nice cabinet. Not piano finish by any means, but pretty well dressed with eight coats of lacquer. I have fabricated a mobile device cable to utilize the original Stewart Warner phonograph jack. None has ever sold on the Attic. I am very deep into this one expense wise, I hope someone will think the asking price is worth it. 20"W x 12-1/2"H x 10"D.  $349.00. (1680084)

Stewart-Warner 9003B (1947?)

For knock down, drag out, eye popping curb appeal, it will be hard to beat this very rare Stewart Warner 9003B table radio. The large cabinet is extremely well made and complex in its design. The chassis is well designed and is a good performer on broadcast and both short wave bands. The internal antenna works quite well for local stations. The dial glass was an expensive reproduction. The original speaker was missing, and I had to replace it with a permanent magnet speaker, which has been reconed and is perfect. The sound is very good. New grille cloth pretty similar to the original. There are some tiny cracks in the left and right edges of the top, and a few other blemishes and veneer repairs in the otherwise very nice cabinet. Not piano finish by any means, but pretty well dressed with eight coats of lacquer. I have fabricated a mobile device cable to utilize the original Stewart Warner phonograph jack. None has ever sold on the Attic. I am very deep into this one expense wise, I hope someone will think the asking price is worth it. 20"W x 12-1/2"H x 10"D.  $349.00. (1680084)
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