Mike Boessen's Radio Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since August 2018"

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Motorola 56CD (1956)
(plastic tube clock radio)

Motorola 56CD (1956)

When I was a kid, before I left for school, the cow had to get milked, the hogs had to get fed, and the turkeys had to get checked. A radio much like this nifty Motorola 56CD was what made sure I was up in time to get it all done. A friend gave me this, and boy did it bring back memories. I restored the chassis, cleaned and lubed the clock mechanism, fitted it with all high testing tubes and gave it an alignment. The cabinet cleaned up very nicely, and everything works. Rare to have all the original knobs. Receives well on the internal antenna. For not much money you can bring back some memories of your own, and good memories are priceless! 13"W x 5-1/2"H x 5-1/2"D.  $129.00. (1680149)

Motorola 56CD (1956)

When I was a kid, before I left for school, the cow had to get milked, the hogs had to get fed, and the turkeys had to get checked. A radio much like this nifty Motorola 56CD was what made sure I was up in time to get it all done. A friend gave me this, and boy did it bring back memories. I restored the chassis, cleaned and lubed the clock mechanism, fitted it with all high testing tubes and gave it an alignment. The cabinet cleaned up very nicely, and everything works. Rare to have all the original knobs. Receives well on the internal antenna. For not much money you can bring back some memories of your own, and good memories are priceless! 13"W x 5-1/2"H x 5-1/2"D.  $129.00. (1680149)
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