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Admiral radios sold!
To see more of this seller's radios, visit Greg Van Beek's Nostalgia Radio Attic.

Admiral 167- 5D "Streamliner" (1939)
(Plaskon tube table radio)

Admiral 167- 5D "Streamliner" (1939)


A nice streamline design, this Admiral has a striking Art Deco cabinet and a glass slide-rule dial that is similar to the 6M model, but without the brass dial escutcheon and sold a year earlier. Five large ST style tubes plus ballast, featuring four mechanical station pre-set push-buttons. The Plaskon cabinet was repaired and painted in eggshell white enamel that really looks nice. The chassis on this one has a good, tested set of tubes, it has been recapped, and the controls cleaned/lubricated, so it plays loud and strong across the dial with its built-in antenna + long wire if needed for more distant reception. A rare model Admiral that doesn't turn up often. 12-1/2"W x 7"H x 7"D.

Admiral 167- 5D "Streamliner" (1939)


A nice streamline design, this Admiral has a striking Art Deco cabinet and a glass slide-rule dial that is similar to the 6M model, but without the brass dial escutcheon and sold a year earlier. Five large ST style tubes plus ballast, featuring four mechanical station pre-set push-buttons. The Plaskon cabinet was repaired and painted in eggshell white enamel that really looks nice. The chassis on this one has a good, tested set of tubes, it has been recapped, and the controls cleaned/lubricated, so it plays loud and strong across the dial with its built-in antenna + long wire if needed for more distant reception. A rare model Admiral that doesn't turn up often. 12-1/2"W x 7"H x 7"D.

Reported sold by Greg Van Beek on March 4, 2024
Listed price on date of sale - $199.00
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