Scott Thomas' Attic
"Selling radios at the Radio Attic since June 2023"

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Zenith 6-D-030 (1946)
(wood tube table radio)

Zenith 6-D-030 (1946)

The 6-D-030 was designed by Charles and Ray Eames. They created a low-cost process of "molding" plywood to create graceful angles and curves. They designed an award-winning chair that was on display in the Museum of Modern Art. For Zenith radio cabinets, they used existing Bakelite radios as molds, and the rest is history. This radio was designed to use available tubes after the war and uses a mix of tubes types. The 6-D-030 is a six-tube, AM only AC/DC set. The radio has been completely recapped. All of the resistors and tubes have been checked, and I replaced them where needed. The radio has been stripped and re-lacquered, new grille cloth and plastic dial cover have been added. The radio plays well across the dial with its builtin antenna.  $329.00. (1830025)

Zenith 6-D-030 (1946)

The 6-D-030 was designed by Charles and Ray Eames. They created a low-cost process of "molding" plywood to create graceful angles and curves. They designed an award-winning chair that was on display in the Museum of Modern Art. For Zenith radio cabinets, they used existing Bakelite radios as molds, and the rest is history. This radio was designed to use available tubes after the war and uses a mix of tubes types. The 6-D-030 is a six-tube, AM only AC/DC set. The radio has been completely recapped. All of the resistors and tubes have been checked, and I replaced them where needed. The radio has been stripped and re-lacquered, new grille cloth and plastic dial cover have been added. The radio plays well across the dial with its builtin antenna.  $329.00. (1830025)
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