the Radio Attic

Radios sold at the Radio Attic in 2007

Here are the 761 radios sold in 2007 at the Radio Attic!
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Neutrowound Battery Radio (1926)RCA 8T Tombstone (1938)Emerson Ingraham 38 (1935)Philco 45 "Butterfly" (1934)Bendix 636A (1947)Detrola 568-13-221D (1946)Philco 37-602 (1937)Crosley 24AV (1940)Zenith Royal 300 (1957)Zenith Royal 275 (1959)
Zenith Royal 500H Gift Set (1961)Magnavox AM-60 (1961)Sentinel 20A-735 Tombstone (1936)Victor Victrola VI Phonograph (1917)Emerson 543 (1948)Hallicrafters S38E (1965)Zenith PortablePhilco 166 (1952)Admiral 47-J55Packard-Bell 5-AE
Zenith Royal 85Zenith Royal 500E (1960)Zenith RE 26-YAstrotone 99-35131 Transistor (1965)Coca-Cola Cookie Jar Radio 841.315Echophone Commercial (EC) (1941)Atwater Kent 43 (1928)Zenith T-724 (1956)Motorola 53X (1953)Sonora 434 Clock Radio (1954)
Zenith 6-D-525 (1941)Zenith Trans-Oceanic Royal 1000 (1957)Zenith Chromacolor SignZenith 7-H-920 (1949)Delco R-1235 (1946)Clarion 470 Tombstone (1934)LoudspeakerTruetone D-2661 Replica by CrosleyPhilco 37-610 (1936)Majestic 463 Chrome Grille (1933)
Philco 51-934 (1951)Stromberg-Carlson 325I (1938)Guild 484 Spice Rack (1956)Motorola 5T Tombstone (1937)Prestolite Battery Point of Sale Display (1951)Victor Victrola 1-90 Orthophonic (1926)Atwater Kent 217 Cathedral (1933)Zenith 5-S-119 (1936)Philco 50-925 (1950)Grundig 87 USA (1957-60)
Zenith 6-D-619 (1942)Sparton 57Mini JukeboxZenith Y724 (1956)RCA Deco Coin Operated RadioRCA R-8 Tombstone (1933)Guild Treasure Chest (1958)Majestic 381 Treasure ChestAutomatic Radio Tom Thumb Camera Radio (1949)Sentinel 282 Book Radio (1947)
Packard-Bell 46ALloyds TR-98 TransistorEmerson 561RCA Victor 40X-54Sony ICF-9740W (1978)Nordmende Tannhauser 8004 (1965-66)RCA 6-T Tombstone (1936)Zenith 7H820 (1950)Bendix 526A (1946)Bendix 156A (1946)
Telefunken Operette 6 (1955/56)Emerson 313Majestic 2D60WEmerson AX212Telsa 306Emerson AX211Emerson AX217Silvertone 6120Sudfunk Maestro Hi-Fi (1957)RCA AVR-20-A Aircraft Receiver
Belmont 6D111 (1946)Philco 84 (1934)Emerson 652 (1950)Airline ConsoleGeneral Electric E-81 Tombstone (1936)Ideal Imperial VIII Multiband Portable (1975)Radiola 61-8 (1947)Motorola 56H (1956)Philco 620 Tombstone (1936)Arvin 450 TL (1950)
Olympic 441 (1958)Zenith A510Y (1957)Westminster CathedralSonora RB-207 (1946)Airline 64WG-1511 (1948)Motorola 53H3 (1954)Emerson DB-301 (1940)Philco 60 Cathedral (1933)Crosley 14AGSetchell-Carlson 416
Airline 62-177 Tombstone (1935)Arvin 450TL (1950)Zenith D7000Y Trans-OceanicPhilco 41-225 (1941)Korting 803WPhilco 89B Cathedral (1935)Tupiton Portable Radio (Germany)Mitchell 1251 Bed Lamp Radio (1959)Motorola 62X21AMotorola 57X11 (1947)
Crosley Radio/Phono/Cassette (40s era replica)Stromberg-Carlson 1110-HW Series 10 (1947)Atwater Kent 145 Tombstone (1934)Grundig Fleetwood 97-CAFADA 5F60 CatalinCrosley 168 Cathedral (1933)Crosley 18AN (1941)Crosley 428 "Vanity Deluxe" (1938)Philco 37-610 (1936)Silvertone 5 (1951)
Kennedy Cosmopolitan 63A Cathedral (1932-32)Fender Squire Champ 15 Guitar AmplifierPhilco 53-561 (1953)Sponge Bob Squarepants & Patrick Radio 841.621Channel Master 6248 (1970s)Mantola R-651 (1946)Therm-o-Clock (1932)Zenith J-615 (1952)RCA 8X541 (1949)Star-Fire Transistor (1965)
Sony 2R-31s (1968)Zenith K725 AM/FM (1953)Crosley Trirdyn (1924)Crosley 52Atlas Type B SpeakerPackard-Bell 5DA (1947)Bendix 636A (1947)RCA 66X3 (1946)Zenith G-510Y (1950)Sentinel 331W (1949)
Bendix 636C (1947)Sony ICF-9650W (1978)Aiwa FR-A37U Clock RadioSilvertone 6050 (1947)Motorola 6AZenith 8H034 (1946)Airline GSL-1566BGeneral Electric 416 (1952)Sonora RCU208 (1946)Magnavox R3D Horn Speaker
Musicaire 70A-146M (1938)Lafayette CC-29Truetone D-911Stromberg-Carlson 130RPackard-Bell 46HRCA 46X3RCA 66X1Philco PT-3Detrola 330 (1941)Crosley 51 (1924)
Atwater Kent 35 (1923)Erla Cathedral Clock RadioEmerson 547A (1947)Erla CathedralPhilco 40-145 (1940)Zenith 6-V-27 Tombstone (1935)General Electric 107 (1948)RCA Radiola III (1924)Philco 41-226 (1941)Motorola 5X1
Philco 38-13 (1938)Zenith 5-S-218 Cube (1938)Emerson 915B (1960)FADA 790 Series B (1948)Philco 49-500 (1949)Philco 51-930 (1951)Arvin 502 (1939)Bicycle Radio/Light CombinationFirestone Air Chief S-7398-3 (1942)Delco Freedom Battery Radio
RCA Victor 2-X-61Admiral 5FZenith 6-S-52 Console (1936)Hallicrafters 5R43 "Continental"Halton 92-1Atwater Kent 60 (1929)Crosley 51-A (1924)Coronado 7J Tombstone (1937)Zenith Trans-Oceanic Royal D7000Y (1975)Windsor Pocket Transistor (1958)
Dorset Pocket Transistor (1957)Zenith 10A3 Console (1941)Westinghouse H-122 (1946)Philco RT-611 Transistor (1970s)Firestone Air Chief 4-A-26 "Newscaster" (1948)Two Micro transistors (1960s?)General Electric P-830E (1960) & P-1700A (1966) TransistorsNational Panasonic RE-710 (1957)Zenith Royal 16 (1969)Belmont 6-D-111 (1946)
Olympic 7-421 (1949)Philco 37-60 Cathedral (1937)Penncrest 1151Silvertone 6012 (1947)Delco R-1176 (1941)Maguire 500 (1946)Sears "Meteor" 7211 (1938)RCA 66X3 (1948)Philco 38-12 (1938)RCA 18T (1940)
Admiral 5-Z (1933)Bendix 526E (1946)Silvertone 4566 (1937)Airline 283 Movie Dial Radio (1937)Philco 41-280 ConsoleArvin 444 Metal (1946)Grebe MU-1 Synchrophase (1925)RCA MI-13174 Coin-Operated RadioCrosley CR-9 Juke Box ReproMagnavox M1 Horn Speaker
General Electric RadioStromberg-Carlson 61U Tombstone (Canada, 1935)Signal Corps LocalizerUS Army Signal Corps BC-114 TransmitterCrosley Radios and Appliances SignRadiola 100A Speaker (1927)Bendix 0526-E (1946)Crosley CR-5 (Emerson Aristocrat Replica)Cheeseburger Radio "To Go" AR-6905Bentley Portable Television
Philco 37-610 Tombstone (1937)Arvin Book Radio (1937)Admiral 7T10M (1947)Bulova 202Crosley G165B (1946)Crosley 9-122 (1949)Trav-Ler 465M (1939)Radio Keg Radio (1948)Arvin 540T Metal (1947)Philco Radio-Phonograph Combination (1940s)
General Electric L-660 (1941)Airline 74BR-1502B (1947)Silvertone 6016 (1946)Philco 40-150 (194)Allocchio Bacchuni 53 (Italy) ReplicaRadiomarelli Vertumno (Italy) ReplicaGilfillan 5-TStromberg-Carlson 130-H (1937)FADA 790 Series B (1948)Delco R-1228 (1947)
Zenith Z (1968)Trav-Ler 5015 (1948)Silvertone 1706 Cathedral (1934)Philco PT-96 (1941)Philco 46-420Grundig 88 (1954)Arvin 850T (1955)RCA 6X8 (1955)Tele King RHC54 (1954)Airline 74BR-1502B (1947)
Silvertone 2004 (1953)Atwater Kent 84 Cathedral (1931)Admiral 5E22 (1950)Setchell-Carlson 427 (1947)Arvin 153T (1948)General Electric 50 Clock Radio (1948)Philco 60 Cathedral (1934)Packard-Bell 531 (1954)Motorola 65T21 (1946)Philco 49-506 (1949)
Emerson 578A (1946)Zenith 6-D-625 (1941)Stewart-Warner 1302 (1935)Arvin 544 (1946)RCA 85-T (1936)FADA 790 Series B (1948)Arvin 450TL (1950)Philco 90 CathedralSilver-Marshall 500 Tombstone (1935)Bendix 526A (1946)
Admiral 5E23 (1949)Pickwick by Detrola (1938)Philco PT-93 (1941)Clinton "Oval" (1937)Emerson 544 (1947)Neutrowound Battery Radio (1926)Zenith H500 Trans-Oceanic (1951)Majestic 310 Tombstone (1933)Crosley 517 "Fiver" (1937)Crosley 173 Mantle Radio (1933)
Coca-Cola Bottle RadioZenith 6-D-015Z (1946)Philco 51-532 Transitone (1951)SABA 90/11K Export (1961)Siemens "Kammermusik" Schatulle M-57 (1955)RCA 6-EY-3B Portable Record Player (1953)Zenith 8H023YZenith 5-S-126 Cube (1936)Packard-Bell 5R1 (1956)RCA Victor 8-X-541
Airline RadioPhilco PT-93RCA Victor 40X50Sansui 210 Stereo Tuner AmplifierGrunow 500 Chrome Grille Tombstone (1933)Remler 46A Scottie (1937)Homebrew Short Wave ReceiverZenith 5-S-228 Tombstone (1937)Truetone D-2226Bendix 302 (1948)
Howard 318 ConsoleGeneral Electric 401 "Dial-Beam" (1950)Crosley 10-136E Coloradio (1950)General Electric H-500 (1939)Philco 54C (1933)Emerson 653Standing Knight Transistor RadioEmerson 543 (black) (1947)RCA Victor 96X14Revere Cathedral (1932)
Emerson 652B (1950)Radio-Matic 27438 "Coin-Op" (1946)Zenith 6-S-238 Chairside (1938)Philco 42-380 ConsoleAlden NA-ALD Cone SpeakerFADA 1000 Catalin BulletRCA T-64 (1940)Dunlop Radio (1936)Goodyear "Wings" Radio (1936)Zenith Royal 500 Transistor
Philco 49-500 (1949)Dictograph (Fada) Silent Night B20 (1937)Emerson EC315 (1941)Zenith 5-D-627Zenith 8-S-563 ConsolePhilco 39-31 Console (1939)Philco 38-10Lafayette 236A AmplifierTrav-Ler 5028Lafayette LT-77A Tuner
EMUD T7Bendix 753M Clock RadioDelco 1230A (1947)Aeriola 10 Crystal Set (1924)Atwater Kent M Horn SpeakerNational SW-54Delco R-1238 (1948)Zenith Trans-Oceanic 3000-1 (1965)Philco 50-520 (1950)Detrola 283
Philco 48-214 (1948)RCA 45rpm Portable Record Player (1950)Sparton 528-2 (1938)Sentinel 338 (1950)Philco 47-205 (1947)Zenith 5-S-127 Tombstone (1936)Majestic 20 Console (1931)Arvin 851T (1954)Emerson RadioEmerson AX211
Crosley 11-104UCrosley 10-140Philips PhilettaMotorola 53H1 (1954)Radiola III (1924)Signal Corps SCR 584-A TransmitterDeForest Style Coneycomb CoilsDU-2 Radio Direction FinderMaguire 6L (1946)Hallicrafters S-40B Receiver (1950-55)
Motorola 65L1 Diplomat (1946)NESCO BC131 (1926)Crosley 10-135 Coloradio (1950)Motorola 51X17 (1941)Philharmonic 51C3A (1951)RCA 56X5 (1946)Motorola 5R (1946)Brunswick 10 Cathedral (1930s)Hotpoint X225HZenith G615
Arvin 544 (1946)Zenith H511 (1951)Jewel 955 (1949)Emerson 301 (1940)Garod 5A-4Zenith 6-D-015 (1946)Bendix 526E (1946)Arvin 851T (1955)RCA T6-11 Tombstone (1936)Farnsworth ET-Series Radio (1946)
Zenith Royal 850 (1957)RCA Globetrotter Portable Radio (1950s)Western Air Patrol (made by Gilfillan) (1930s)Westinghouse H-104 (1946)Zenith 5-S-237 Chairside (1938)Hallicrafters TW-1000 Multiband Portable (1953)Zenith 805 Cathedral (1935)Setchell-Carlson 427 (1947)Stromberg-Carlson C-3 Clock Radio (1955)Mitchell 1952
RCA T6-1 Tombstone (1936)Hallicrafters SX-99 Communication ReceiverSt. Regis Mini Tombstone (1934)Truetone D-1012 (1939)Silvertone 6016Zenith 6-D-510W (1941)Sparton 601-B (1934)Zenith 5-S-127Zenith Royal 50 Model L (1962)Zenith AM/FM Tabletop (1950s)
Philco 90 Cathedral (1931)Grunow 680 Tombstone (1937)Home Brew Two Tube RadioSilvertone 2015 (1954)Admiral Multiband RadioZenith 5-S-29 Tombstone (1935)Sylvania R-518 (1955)Radiola 17 & Operadio Speaker (1927)Rex Wind-Up Phonograph (1923)Silvertone 6200 (1939)
Blaupunkt Granada 61Zenith 6-D-525 (1942)Farnsworth ET-066 (1946)Delco R-1228 (1947)Philco 37-630 (1937)Siemens Klangmeister RG-12 (1967) with SpeakersZenith G-511 (1950)Webster Chicago 81-1 Wire RecorderRCA Radiola 61-10 (1947)Stewart-Warner Companion Bookset (1934)
General Electric 8H70 "Tune-A-Larm" (1951)Metro 1936 replicaAmerican Supply 61N25 (1961)Arvin 61R39 (1961)Arvin 61R19 (1961)Sony MR-9100W PortablePhilco 42-321Zenith 8-S-154 ConsolePhilco 41-295H.H. Scott LK-60 Amplifier & LT-112 Tuner
Westinghouse Aeriola Junior Crystal Receiver (1922)Firestone R-166-A (1937)Homebrew Haynes Regenerative ReceiverSparton 558 Cobalt Blue Sleigh ReplicaCrosley CR2 ReplicaCrosley CR73 "The Conductor"Bluebird ReplicaStatue of Liberty Radio (1938)DeWald D616Telefunken Gavotte 8U (1957/58)
Zenith 5-S-127 TombstoneGeneral Electric J-100 Cathedral ReproductionRadiola 61-3 (1947)Splitdorf R-500 Polonaise (1925)Farnsworth ET-060 (1947)RCA 8-X-681 (1948)Philco PT-25 (1939)FADA 790 (1949)Stromberg-Carlson 1101HSilvertone 2016 (1956)
Philco PT-93Northern Electric Baby ChampTruetone RadioArvin 40 Metal MidgetTom Thumb 3-WayStewart-Warner A-6SPackard-Bell 5R1 (1957)Philco 41-221Bendix 302 (1948)Westinghouse H-161 (1948)
Truetone MIC3177A-17 Sportsmate Multiband PortableZenith R521Y Clock Radio (1955)Vista 500Philco PT-25 (1939)Sony TR-817World Star MG-6600General Electric C-406A Clock RadioTrophy N-1941 "Baseball" RadioMichigan One Tube RadioCrystal Radio Set & Headset
FADA 790 (1949)RCA Direction FinderPhilco 37-610 (1937))Grunow 573 ConsoleAtomic 571 BX-20 94CHomebrew RadioGrebe Rork AmplifierPhilco 20 Deluxe Cathedral (1930)Kennedy "Coronet" 42 Tombstone (1931)Detrola CM322
Crosley 10-138 "Coloradio" (1950)Tubular Extension SpeakersMotorola Store SignMotorola 63LMotorola 5L1UMotorola 5A5 (1946)Granco T-160UMotorola A16WTransitone TH1 Simplex/Philco (1937)Zenith Trans-Oceanic 3000-1 (1965)
Victorian 600 RecorderArkay S5E (1947)Zenith 5-D-610 (1941)Learadio APR-1 Navigation RadioPhilco 37-620 ConsoletteZenith 805 CathedralEmerson Tabletop (1940s)Belmont 6D111 (1946)Emerson 520 (1947)Westinghouse H-124 "Refrigerator" (1945)
Thomas Collectors Edition Juke BoxZenith 5-S-127 Tombstone (1937)RCA T60Crystal Radio SetNewcomb Portable SpeakersM&M Scuba Shower RadioTelefunken Gavotte 55 Export (1955/56)Grundig-Majestic 4019 (1960)Airline 14WG-625A (1941)Philco 38-7 (1938)
Belmont A6D110Zenith R724 (1950)Mission Bell 383 (1937)Hoffman Radio (1951)Philco 7T (1938)Philco 90 Cathedral (1931)Victor Victrola IX Table TopTruetone (Western Auto) D-724 (1938)Thomas "Classic 1932 Philco" Replica CathedralRetro Audio System
Atwater Kent E3 SpeakerRCA 6X-646Philco 40-120Bendix 302 (1948)Silvertone 6050 (1947)Guild 484 "Spice Chest" (1956)Zenith Royal 1000 Multiband Portable (1957)Zenith Royal 500 (1957)Zenith 6-D-516 (1940)Trav-Ler T-201 (1959)
Wells-Gardner & Co. 6A44 "Tone Master" (1941)RCA 2-B-401 Portable (1952)Minerva Tropic Master BC/SW (1945)Silvertone Midget (1939)Detrola 429 (1940)Philco 80 Junior Cathedral (1932)Emerson 20A (1933)Hallicrafters S-38B Communications Receiver (1950)Paco SA-40 AmplifierZenith Trans-Oceanic 2000 (1959)
Zenith Trans-Oceanic 3000-1 (1965)Philco PT-44Sears Silvertone 3208 (1963)Zenith Royal 59 SetZenith Royal 16 SetZenith Royal 50H (1961)Philco NT-900 (1964)Emerson 707 (1962)Philco 60 (1934)Atwater Kent E3 Speaker (1921)
Bowers Radio (1939)Zenith 5-S-127 TombstoneZenith 9-S-367Stromberg-Carlson RadioRCA 45X17 (1940)Guild 556 "Country Belle" - (1956)Philco Bakelux 841-230Zenith Trans-Oceanic 3000-1 (1965)General Electric H-510 (1939)Bendix 111 (1949)
Telefunken Opus 6Stromberg-Carlson 1101 (1947)Blaupunkt Granada 20303Zenith Royal 2000 (1961)Majestic 55 "Duette" (1933)Olympic 6-501Philco 40-180 ConsoleZenith A-600 Trans-Oceanic (1958)Zenith 6-D-314 (1938)Philco 40-145 (1940)
Zenith 5-J-217 "Cube" (1937)Sun Rise MUL-3333 TesterChannel Master 6506 Transistor (1959)Dynaco ST-35 Power AmplifierZenith H-724Z AM/FM (1951)RCA 2-XF-91 (1953)Montgomery Wards Airline 62-616 (1937)Wilcox-Gay End Table Radio (1945)Zenith H-725 (1951)Philco PT-43
General Electric 115W (1948)RCA Victor 9-TXZenith 6D-510 (1942)Crosley D25 (1952)Delco R-1243 (1948)Gilfillan 6L (1941)Philco Home Brew (1940s)Philco T-600 (1959)Philco 38-7 ConsolePhilco 16 Chairside (1933)
Radiola IIIFarnsworth ET-066 (1946)Sparton 6-26 (1948)Philco PT-30 (1940)Crosley Pup Advertising ItemZenith L-600 Trans-Oceanic (1954)Motorola X11Sony TC-200 Reel-to-Reel Recorder (1960s)National Panasonic R-8General Electric 415 (1952)
Trav-Ler 5056AStewart-Warner 07-5R4Zenith Royal 500E (1960)Western Air Patrol 487 (1940)Zenith 5-S-319 (1939)Silvertone 6421 (1939)Emerson U4D (1933)Atwater Kent 20 (1924)Arkay (?) RadioArkay Radio (1940)
General Television 1A5DeForest Type F-5 Radiophone (1925)FADA Kit radioRoss 2311 World Master Multi-Band PortableArtone 300 (1957)Crosley 11-117U Serenader (1951)AFCO-SansieStewart-Warner 9186B Clock Radio (1954)RCA 46X21Co-Op 751 (1937)
Coronado 623 (1949)Gilfillan 56E (1947)Crosley B2465 (1946)Emerson 724B Clock Radio (1953)Coronado 578 Tombstone (1936)Grundig Transistor 1005 "Automatic" PortableCrosley 52TA (1941)Emerson 587 (1949)Silvertone 3002 (1954)General Electric A-63 (1935)
Crosley 11AB (1940)Philco 37-84 Cathedral (1937)Grundig-Majestic 2440 (1956)Sparton 1068 ConsoleRhapsody 2000 MultibandPacific Electronics (early 50s)Silvertone 115 CathedralHeath GR-43A Multiband PortableKnight 5646 Tombstone (1936)Emerson 157 Clockette
Airline 04BR-514 (1939)Rogers-Majestic RadioMotorola 58A-12 (1948)Sentinel 294-T (1946)Airline MiniTruetone D-2210 (1940)Silvertone 1984 Tombstone (1935)General Electric E-81 (1936)Crosley 25-AW (1940)Lafayette LA-2525 Stereo Amplifier
Hallicrafters S-53ACariola Phonograph (1930s)RCA Radiola 18 (1927)Maguire 562 (1947)Setchell-Carlson 427 (1947)Zenith 8-S-154 Console (1936)Atwater Kent 165 CathedralSilvertone R1061 (1940)General Electric 102 (1948)Grundig-Majestic 1088-U
Grundig-Majestic 1060Grundig RF260U StereoSilvertone 1867 Cathedral (1935)Airline 62-475 Teledial (1938)Stewart-Warner Radio (1930s)Zenith 5-S-338 ChairsideArvin 840 (1954)Montgomery Ward 62-177 (1936)RCA 36X (1941)Bendix 526E (1946)
Northern Electric 5000 "Rainbow" (1947)Teletone 111 (1948)Zenith 9-S-365Air Castle 106B (1947)Airline 04WG-803B (1941)Crosley 11AH (1940)Philco 46-480 Console (1947)Fisher-Price 49B8 Record PlayerEmerson 414 "Big Six" 414 (1941)Fisher CA-40 (1958)
Continental 1600 (1948)Plata 15AF24 Space MasterPhilco SpeakerFADA 260 (1937)Zenith 6-D-314 (1938)Zenith 11-S-474General Electric 474 (late 50s)Westinghouse H-650T7A (1959)Grundig 4010 (1952)RCA 7-BX-10 Strato-World (1954)
Sonora RBU-176 (1946)Philco 41-221 (1941)Zenith R-D7000Y Trans-Oceanic (1973)Spica ST-600 Transistor (1958)Zenith Royal 500H (1961)Omegas TR-8 (1962)Sony TR-84 (1959)Motorola Pocket Radios (two of 'em!) (1960s)Hitachi TH-900 "Hi-Phonic" (1965)RDR Corp. Magic-Tone Bottle Radio (1946)
RCA 56X5 (1946)Silvertone 3311 "Commentator" (1940)Trav-Ler 5022 Portable (1950)RCA 56X3 (1946)RCA 8X53 (1948)Grunow Mini CathedralGeneral Electric 107 (1948)Philco 42-380 (1942)EMUD Rekord Junior 196Belmont 50 Cathedral
Howard 901A (1946)Harman Kardon A-1000-T AmplifierRCA 65X1 (1948)Emerson 215 (1938)Minerva W-117 Tropic Master (1945)Emerson 1003 (1947)Silvertone Freedom RadioMotorola 52B5 Portable (1952)Motorola 77X22Crosley Super 8 (1937)
General Electric J-63 (1941)Sharp RT-120S Stereo Cassette PlayerWestinghouse H382T5 (1953)Neckerman "Brilliant" by KortingPhilco 80 ReplicaRCA 25X5 (1941)Majestic 15 (1932)Zenith B-600 Trans-Oceanic (1959)Truetone D-2015 (1939)Crosley D-25-MN "Dashboard" (1953)
Emerson 334 (1937)Truetone D-2610 (1946)Westinghouse H-126 "Refrigerator" (1945)Philco 70 Cathedral (1931)Zenith Royal 1000 (1957)Philco B574 (1954)Juliette APR-1407 PortableStewart-Warner C51T2 (1948)Crosley 10-140 "Dashboard"Silvertone 15
Trav-Ler T204 (1959)Eton Viking (1948)Emerson 510(?) (1940s)Crosley 58TW (1948)RCA Portable RadioPhilco 38-12 (1938)Erla 510 (1932)Majestic 196 Cathedral (1930S)Motorola 56ASABA Meersburg WII (1952)
Rola "Re-Creator" Speaker
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